Sunday, July 27, 2008


So im finally here. Its really a surreal experience, i dont quite believe its real. I guess i should start at the beginning of the last two days. First, the flight was realllllly long. the only real positive thing about it was that the people from my training group were able to sit together. When i got here the person was there waiting for me to pick me up. I was worried that maybe they wouldnt be there, but they found me right away and helped me do all the things i needed to do. Those would have been way too hard for me, seeing how i dont speak Japanese yet.

After i got here some of my coworkers took me out for sashmi. Its the first time i have eaten fish in a really long time and it was kind of proud of myself. Yesterday morning i was able to move into my apt. its a lot bigger than i thought, ill have to post pictures of it. I didnt get to see that much of the city yet. Mostly ive just seen from my apt to the school. once i become more comfortable with work, then i will venture out and see more. I have met a lot of my students and everyone seems so nice. It helps calm my nerves, but only a little. I have a feeling that its going to be over a month before i am completely comfortable with the job. Today i go into the school and observe a few lessons. This is the first time that i will be seeing an actual class. after today and tomorrow, hopefully i will know a little more about how to run the class. Thats all for now, jet lag is killer.

Monday, July 14, 2008

6 days!!

So now i've finally moved past the time where i am counting my time im not months, not weeks, but days. I have less than a week left before i leave. I have both of my suitcases packed and have discovered that my basic need do not even come close to being under the weight limit, let alone all of the things that i wanted to take. everyday i am pulling more and more out of the suitcases to try to make things fit. sometimes i wish i wasn't a girl, lol, because its all of the extra things that i need. make-up, particular shampoo, heels in every color; these this add up quite quickly.

I have a feeling that the 100 yen store is going to be my new best friend when it comes to buying some of those things that im having to leave behind.

Though the packing part isnt going the smothest i still cant wait to leave. At this point i think i have all my basics packed and the only thing left for me is to say all my good-byes. I have said most of them, but there are still a few more left, and these are the hard ones, my family and close friends.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


So today i arrived home after nine days in disney world. The trip went, as predicted, sooo fast. before i knew it, it was this morning and we were getting on the plane to fly back. Now that leaves nothing in between now and my departure for training, then Japan. This afternoon i literally took clothes out of one suitcase and put them into another. Im starting to get excited and really nervous. the last minute things are being done and all the extra things that i need are being bought. I have to run around and get all the things that i need that i cant get in japan, or arent the same. Im stocking up on shampoo, deodorant and so many other things like that, that one doesnt think about.

I found out some new information about my school. its a fairly large school with more than one native english teacher. this was a big relief for me when i found out. The simple knowledge that there is someone i can talk to daily that is going though the same experience. Not to mention trade lesson plans. Also im hoping they like to travel because it will be nice to have someone to travel with. You know, someone to hold the I've been looking up all of the different places i want to go while im there and figuring out how much it will cost. im hoping to travel to most of the places on my list. the far ones might be harder though, like tokyo.

For the next two weeks i figure i will be very busy. Im trying to work as much as possible to make as much extra money as i can. to add to that im trying to see as many of my friends as possible to say good bye before i go. with all this to do in just two weeks i have a feeling it will be over before i know it. Before i go to japan i have a few days of training with other teachers who are going over at the same time. this should be a good time. i feel like i really need the information that i will get then. plus one of the girls i met in my interview is training the same time. we been talking (trying to help get ready) along with some other ppl i met during the interview, but i havent been able to see any of them since then. it will be nice to hang out before we go. all of us were separated to different parts of the country so travel to see each other though possible (and planned) it is not easy, or cheap.