Saturday, August 16, 2008

So i have been in Japan for three weeks already and away from home for a month. It seems like much longer, but in a good way not the it feels like so much longer and i want to go home way. I feel adjusted, kinda, i thought it would take me longer than this.

Last week i got to go to Osaka for 2 days for training in head office. The days were really long and we do not get paid extra for the extra hours. Plus, i didnt get to do or see anything to the trip was kinda a bust. what i did get out of the trip was an interesting thought, i want to go home. Not home to America, but home to Okayama. I realized how much i love living in this city and couldnt have asked for a better placement. Osaka is a really big city and it might be nice to visit again to do some sightseeing, but i wouldnt want to live there. So at the end of the second day i found myself saying to the other teachers, i just want to go home and get some sleep in my own bed.

It wasnt all bad was nice to get to talk to the other fairly new teachers and compare war stories. I got to find out how other schools run and get some more dos and donts that we have all found out through trail and error. also i used the train system and didnt get lost!! one of the other teachers was someone i trained with so it was nice to see a familar face. Thats all i really have this week. its been kinda boring as far as major events are concerned. Today i am going to go shopping so that should be an adventure and tomorrow i need to find city hall so i can pick up my alien registration card.